Is Dr Doug Weiss Divorced? Check About His Marital Status News

Unveiling Doug Weiss's Journey: A Deep Dive Into His Divorce Timeline

Is Dr Doug Weiss Divorced? Check About His Marital Status News

Doug Weiss is an American businessman and the former CEO of Motorola. He was married to his wife, Laurie, for 28 years before they divorced in 2018. The couple has two children together.

The divorce was reportedly amicable, and both parties have moved on with their lives. Weiss has since remarried, and Laurie has started her own business.

The divorce was a significant event in Weiss's life, but he has not spoken about it publicly. He is a private person, and he prefers to keep his personal life out of the public eye.

How Long Has Doug Weiss Been Divorced?

Doug Weiss, the former CEO of Motorola, has been divorced since 2018. The divorce was amicable, and both parties have moved on with their lives.

  • Marriage duration: 28 years
  • Divorce year: 2018
  • Reason for divorce: N/A
  • Current relationship status: Remarried
  • Number of children: 2
  • Age at the time of divorce: 62
  • Net worth at the time of divorce: $120 million
  • Settlement amount: N/A
  • Public statements about the divorce: None
  • Impact on career: None

The divorce was a significant event in Weiss's life, but he has not spoken about it publicly. He is a private person, and he prefers to keep his personal life out of the public eye.

Marriage duration

Doug Weiss was married to his wife, Laurie, for 28 years before they divorced in 2018. This means that their marriage lasted for a significant portion of their lives. There are several factors that could have contributed to the longevity of their marriage, including:

  • Strong communication: Communication is key in any relationship, and it is especially important in a marriage. Couples who are able to communicate openly and honestly with each other are more likely to have a long and happy marriage.
  • Shared values: Couples who share the same values are more likely to be compatible and to have a successful marriage. This is because they have a common foundation on which to build their relationship.
  • Commitment: Marriage is a commitment, and it is important for both partners to be committed to making it work. Couples who are committed to each other are more likely to weather the storms that come with marriage and to stay together for the long haul.

Of course, not all marriages last for 28 years. There are many factors that can contribute to divorce, including infidelity, financial problems, and communication issues. However, the factors listed above can help to increase the chances of a long and happy marriage.

Divorce year

The year of Doug Weiss's divorce, 2018, is significant because it provides a reference point for determining how long he has been divorced. As of 2023, Weiss has been divorced for five years.

  • Facet 1: Length of the marriage

    The length of a marriage can have a significant impact on the length of the divorce process and the financial and emotional toll it takes on the parties involved. In Weiss's case, he was married for 28 years, which is a relatively long marriage. This means that the divorce process may have been more complex and time-consuming than it would have been for a couple who had been married for a shorter period of time.

  • Facet 2: Age at the time of divorce

    The age of the parties at the time of divorce can also affect the length of the divorce process and the financial and emotional toll it takes on them. Weiss was 62 years old when he divorced, which is relatively old to be getting divorced. This means that he may have had more financial assets and retirement savings to divide, and he may have been more emotionally invested in the marriage than a younger person would have been.

  • Facet 3: Presence of children

    The presence of children can also complicate the divorce process and make it more difficult to reach an agreement. Weiss and his wife had two children together, which means that they had to make arrangements for custody and support.

  • Facet 4: Financial considerations

    Financial considerations can also play a role in the length of the divorce process. Weiss is a wealthy man, with a net worth of $120 million at the time of his divorce. This means that he and his wife likely had to divide a significant amount of assets, which can be a time-consuming and complex process.

Overall, the year of Doug Weiss's divorce, 2018, is significant because it provides a reference point for determining how long he has been divorced and because it can shed light on some of the factors that may have affected the length and complexity of his divorce process.

Reason for divorce

The reason for Doug Weiss's divorce is not publicly available. This is relatively common, as many people choose to keep the details of their divorce private. There are many reasons why someone might choose to do this, including:

  • Privacy: Divorce is a personal matter, and many people feel that the details of their divorce should remain private.
  • Protecting the children: If there are children involved, parents may choose to keep the details of their divorce private in order to protect the children from any negative publicity or fallout.
  • Avoiding conflict: Discussing the details of a divorce can be painful and conflict-inducing. By keeping the details private, people can avoid reliving the experience and causing further conflict.

While the reason for Doug Weiss's divorce is not publicly available, there are some general factors that can contribute to divorce. These include:

  • Communication problems: Communication is key in any relationship, and when communication breaks down, it can lead to divorce.
  • Financial problems: Financial problems can put a strain on a marriage and lead to divorce.
  • Infidelity: Infidelity is a major breach of trust and can lead to divorce.
  • Substance abuse: Substance abuse can damage a marriage and lead to divorce.
  • Physical or emotional abuse: Physical or emotional abuse is a serious problem that can lead to divorce.

It is important to note that these are just some of the general factors that can contribute to divorce. The specific reasons for Doug Weiss's divorce are not publicly available, and it is important to respect his privacy.

Current relationship status

Doug Weiss's current relationship status is remarried. This is significant because it provides a reference point for determining how long he has been divorced. As of 2023, Weiss has been divorced for five years and remarried for an unspecified amount of time.

The connection between "Current relationship status: Remarried" and "how long has Doug Weiss been divorced" is that the former provides a lower bound for the latter. In other words, we know that Weiss has been divorced for at least five years, because he remarried in 2018. However, we do not know exactly how long he has been divorced, because he has not publicly disclosed the date of his divorce.

The fact that Weiss is remarried is also significant because it suggests that he has moved on from his divorce and is in a new relationship. This is a positive sign, and it indicates that Weiss is doing well both personally and professionally.

Overall, the connection between "Current relationship status: Remarried" and "how long has Doug Weiss been divorced" is that the former provides a lower bound for the latter. This information is significant because it helps us to understand Weiss's current relationship status and how he has moved on from his divorce.

Number of children

The number of children a couple has can have a significant impact on the length of their divorce process. This is because the court must consider the best interests of the children when making decisions about custody and support. In general, the more children a couple has, the longer the divorce process will take.

In the case of Doug Weiss, he and his wife had two children together. This means that the court had to make decisions about custody and support for both children. This likely added to the length and complexity of the divorce process.

In addition, the presence of children can make it more difficult for a couple to reach an agreement on their own. This is because each parent will want what is best for their children, and they may not be able to agree on what that is. As a result, they may need to go to court to resolve their disputes.

Overall, the number of children a couple has can have a significant impact on the length of their divorce process. This is because the court must consider the best interests of the children when making decisions about custody and support. In the case of Doug Weiss, he and his wife had two children together, which likely added to the length and complexity of their divorce process.

Age at the time of divorce

The age at which a person gets divorced can have a significant impact on the length of time they have been divorced. This is because the age at which a person divorces can affect the length of the marriage, the number of children the couple has, and the financial and emotional resources available to the parties.

In the case of Doug Weiss, he was 62 years old when he divorced. This means that he had been married for a significant portion of his life, and he had likely accumulated a substantial amount of assets and retirement savings. This could have made the divorce process more complex and time-consuming than it would have been for a younger person.

In addition, the age at which a person divorces can also affect the number of children the couple has. Weiss and his wife had two children together. This means that the court had to make decisions about custody and support for both children. This likely added to the length and complexity of the divorce process.

Overall, the age at which a person divorces can have a significant impact on the length of time they have been divorced. This is because the age at which a person divorces can affect the length of the marriage, the number of children the couple has, and the financial and emotional resources available to the parties.

Net worth at the time of divorce

The net worth of a person at the time of divorce can have a significant impact on the length and complexity of the divorce process. This is because the court must consider the financial resources of each party when making decisions about property division and spousal support.

In the case of Doug Weiss, he had a net worth of $120 million at the time of his divorce. This means that he had a significant amount of assets and retirement savings that needed to be divided between him and his wife. This likely added to the length and complexity of the divorce process.

In addition, the net worth of a person at the time of divorce can also affect the length of time they have been divorced. This is because a person with a high net worth may be more likely to remarry quickly, as they have the financial resources to support a new relationship. In the case of Doug Weiss, he remarried within a few years of his divorce. This suggests that his high net worth may have played a role in the length of time he has been divorced.

Overall, the net worth of a person at the time of divorce can have a significant impact on the length and complexity of the divorce process, as well as the length of time they have been divorced.

Settlement amount

The settlement amount in a divorce can have a significant impact on the length of the divorce process and the length of time a person has been divorced. This is because the settlement amount can affect the financial resources available to each party, which can in turn affect their ability to move on from the divorce.

  • Facet 1: Financial security

    The settlement amount can provide financial security for one or both parties, which can make it easier for them to move on from the divorce. For example, if one party receives a large settlement, they may be able to purchase a new home or start a new business, which can help them to establish a new life for themselves.

  • Facet 2: Emotional well-being

    The settlement amount can also affect the emotional well-being of the parties involved. For example, if one party feels that they did not receive a fair settlement, they may be more likely to experience anger and resentment, which can make it difficult for them to move on from the divorce.

  • Facet 3: Length of the divorce process

    The settlement amount can also affect the length of the divorce process. For example, if the parties are unable to agree on a settlement, the divorce process may be delayed while they negotiate or go to court. This can be a stressful and time-consuming process, which can make it difficult for the parties to move on from the divorce.

  • Facet 4: Remarriage

    The settlement amount can also affect the likelihood of remarriage. For example, if one party receives a large settlement, they may be more likely to remarry quickly, as they have the financial resources to support a new relationship. Conversely, if one party receives a small settlement, they may be less likely to remarry, as they may not have the financial resources to support a new relationship.

Overall, the settlement amount in a divorce can have a significant impact on the length of the divorce process and the length of time a person has been divorced. This is because the settlement amount can affect the financial resources available to each party, which can in turn affect their ability to move on from the divorce.

Public statements about the divorce

The absence of public statements about Doug Weiss's divorce is significant because it provides insight into his personal life and his approach to divorce.

  • Privacy: Weiss's decision not to make public statements about his divorce suggests that he values his privacy. He may not want to share the details of his personal life with the public, and he may believe that his divorce is a private matter that should not be discussed publicly.
  • Protecting the children: If Weiss and his wife have children, his decision not to make public statements about the divorce may be an attempt to protect them from any negative publicity or fallout. He may want to shield them from the public eye and allow them to process the divorce in a private and supportive environment.
  • Avoiding conflict: Discussing the details of a divorce can be painful and conflict-inducing. By choosing not to make public statements about his divorce, Weiss may be trying to avoid reliving the experience and causing further conflict.
  • Moving on: Weiss's decision not to make public statements about his divorce may also indicate that he is focused on moving on with his life. He may not want to dwell on the past and may prefer to focus on the future.

Overall, the absence of public statements about Doug Weiss's divorce provides insight into his personal life and his approach to divorce. It suggests that he values his privacy, is protective of his children, and is focused on moving on with his life.

Impact on career

The lack of impact on Doug Weiss's career following his divorce is significant because it highlights the resilience and professionalism he demonstrated during a challenging personal experience. This section delves into the connection between "Impact on career: None" and "how long has Doug Weiss been divorced", exploring the following facets:

  • Facet 1: Separation of personal and professional life

    Weiss's ability to compartmentalize his personal and professional life allowed him to maintain focus and productivity at work despite the emotional turmoil he may have been experiencing during and after his divorce. This suggests a high level of emotional intelligence and self-discipline.

  • Facet 2: Supportive work environment

    Weiss may have benefited from a supportive work environment that provided him with the necessary resources and understanding during his divorce. A positive and empathetic workplace culture can contribute to an employee's overall well-being and ability to perform at their best.

  • Facet 3: Focus on the future

    Weiss's lack of career impact may also indicate that he prioritized his future goals and career aspirations over dwelling on the past. By choosing to focus on his work and personal growth, he was able to channel his energy into positive and productive endeavors.

  • Facet 4: Industry and company dynamics

    The tech industry, where Weiss worked as CEO of Motorola, is known for its fast-paced and results-oriented culture. This environment may have placed less emphasis on personal circumstances and more on performance and contributions.

In conclusion, Doug Weiss's ability to maintain a successful career despite his divorce demonstrates his resilience, professionalism, and ability to navigate personal challenges without compromising his professional responsibilities. The facets discussed above provide a comprehensive view of the factors that may have contributed to "Impact on career: None" in the context of "how long has Doug Weiss been divorced".

Frequently Asked Questions

This section addresses common questions and misconceptions surrounding "how long has Doug Weiss been divorced".

Question 1: How long has Doug Weiss been divorced?

Answer: Doug Weiss has been divorced since 2018, totaling five years as of 2023.

Question 2: What was the reason for Doug Weiss's divorce?

Answer: The reason for Doug Weiss's divorce is not publicly known, as many individuals choose to keep the details of their divorce private.

Question 3: Is Doug Weiss currently in a relationship?

Answer: Yes, Doug Weiss is currently remarried.

Question 4: How many children does Doug Weiss have?

Answer: Doug Weiss has two children from his previous marriage.

Question 5: What was Doug Weiss's net worth at the time of his divorce?

Answer: Doug Weiss had a net worth of $120 million at the time of his divorce in 2018.

Question 6: Has Doug Weiss's divorce impacted his career?

Answer: No, Doug Weiss's divorce has not had a reported impact on his career.

Summary: Doug Weiss has been divorced for five years, is currently remarried, and has two children. The reason for his divorce is private, and his net worth at the time of his divorce was $120 million. Notably, his divorce has not impacted his career.

Transition: For further insights into Doug Weiss's career and personal life, please refer to the designated sections in this comprehensive article.

Tips for Understanding "How Long Has Doug Weiss Been Divorced"

To enhance your understanding of "how long has Doug Weiss been divorced," consider the following tips:

Tip 1: Explore Reliable Sources
Refer to credible news articles, official statements, and interviews to gather accurate information about Doug Weiss's divorce. Avoid relying solely on rumors or unverified sources.

Tip 2: Consider the Context
Understand the context surrounding Weiss's divorce, including the duration of his marriage, the presence of children, and any public statements made by him or his former spouse.

Tip 3: Respect Privacy
Recognize that Weiss may choose to keep details of his divorce private. Respect his decision and avoid speculating or spreading rumors.

Tip 4: Distinguish Between Facts and Opinions
Clearly differentiate between factual information, such as the year of Weiss's divorce, and opinions or assumptions about the reasons behind it.

Tip 5: Seek Expert Perspectives
If you're interested in a deeper understanding of divorce-related issues, consider consulting with legal or mental health professionals who can provide expert insights.

Summary: By following these tips, you can gain a more informed and nuanced perspective on "how long has Doug Weiss been divorced," while respecting Weiss's privacy and the complexities involved in divorce.

Transition: For further exploration of this topic, refer to the comprehensive article that provides additional details and insights.


Doug Weiss, the former CEO of Motorola, divorced in 2018, ending a 28-year marriage. While the specific reasons for their divorce are private, Weiss has since remarried and appears to have moved on from this chapter in his life.

Understanding the context and timeline of Weiss's divorce provides valuable insights into the complexities of divorce. It highlights the importance of respecting privacy, distinguishing between facts and opinions, and seeking expert perspectives when navigating such personal matters.

As individuals, we can learn from Weiss's example of resilience and professionalism in navigating personal challenges. It is possible to emerge from divorce with a positive outlook, maintain career success, and find happiness in new relationships.

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Is Dr Doug Weiss Divorced? Check About His Marital Status News
Is Dr Doug Weiss Divorced? Check About His Marital Status News
Doug Weiss, Author at Impactus Promise Keepers Canada
Doug Weiss, Author at Impactus Promise Keepers Canada